Monday, June 18, 2007

it's me!!

Task 2 : In Your Dream

After I listened the topic, I think that the listening practice is help me to listen carefully. I can understand about the topic after I read the transcript because he said quickly. Sometimes I don't know what he said. But I think this is good because when I don't uderstand, I listened the topic again and again. Then, when I read the of the words I heard is a true.. I also try to speak how he speak although sometimes I speak like manglish (malay english)..hehe..huhu...
Farah Hanim Zainol Azzudin

Task 1 : Thirty Something

Firstly, when I listened the topic, I can't heard clearly and it's difficult to me. I don't understand what he said. After I read the transcript, I know what he said. I learnt some new vocabularay..I also learnt how to pronounced some words..
Farah Hanim Zainol Azzudin

Assignment 1

Reading : i can read better than before and learnt some new words.
Writing: yesterday i learnt how to improve in writing skills in the group and now i'm waiting the winner of group a romantic meeting..hehehe.. =)
Listening: i like miss rajina speak because she use the simple english and i interested to listen her
Speaking: today, i learnt how to speak with others and i hope i'm not ashamed to speak with others...i hope la......
Vocabulary: everyday in this class i learnt more new vocabulary
Making presentation: today, enjoyed make the presentation in my group and congratulation to nizam's group...hik3.... ;)
Participating discussion: today,i work together with my group and we can change our opinion
A110409 (23 MAY 2007)

Assignment 1

Reading : i can read better than before and learnt some new words.
Writing: yesterday i learnt how to improve in writing skills in the group and now i'm waiting the winner of group a romantic meeting..hehehe.. =)
Listening: i like miss rajina speak because she use the simple english and i interested to listen her
Speaking: today, i learnt how to speak with others and i hope i'm not ashamed to speak with others...i hope la......
Vocabulary: everyday in this class i learnt more new vocabulary
Making presentation: today, enjoyed make the presentation in my group and congratulation to nizam's group...hik3.... ;)
Participating discussion: today,i work together with my group and we can change our opinion
A110409 (23 MAY 2007)